Monday, 5 November 2018

Is TEFL Course Only for ESL Teachers?

The words TEFL course and TESOL course often tend to get used interchangeably though it is not one and the same. In case of a TEFL program, one has to teach English to students in a country that is not a native English-speaking one while in TESOL, English is taught to the non-native speakers in an English-speaking country. Either course is equally important for those looking to build their career as ESL teachers because it gives them an advantage – simply put, you get to learn more about your job from the experts! Teaching English is no longer a walk in the park; in fact, it can be quite trying at times!

Completing a TEFL course will give you an advantage when you enter the classroom. Not only do you manage to have things in order but you also succeed in creating a good first impression, the importance of which cannot be stressed enough. The extra hours that you get off not trying to figure out a lesson plan can be well utilized in enjoying everything that the country has to offer. If you are serious about your career plan in the field of ESL teaching, this certification would be highly advisable.

In case you are planning on becoming an English teacher in your own country, having a TESOL course certification won’t be necessary, though it will certainly give you an edge over others in terms of employment and career opportunities. Moreover, you will be ready for employment opportunities overseas in case you ever feel that a change of scenery is needed.


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